Most lenders will require a copy of your notice of assessment to ensure your income is accurate and to confirm that you don’t have any outstanding income taxes owing to Revenue Canada. If you don’t have a copy of your notice of assessment, you can:
the quickest way to get your notice of assessment would be to log in to your online account with CRA. Please click here for a link to the sign in page. If you don’t have an account set up already, you can log in with your online banking account and password using the sign-in partner log in. You’ll have limited access initially, but you can call CRA at the number provided there to get your access code. When you call, you will need to have information from your previous tax return for them, so be sure to have it handy. They’ll email you the log in code that you can use to get full access to the site.Once you have full access, you will be able to get a copy of all of you previous tax information, including your notice of assessment
call Revenue Canada at 1.800.959.8281 and request a copy by mail
- download the “my CRA” app to access information on your mobile device if you have an account with CRA
- authorize a representative to act on your behalf by signing a T1013 form. More on that here. There are services available that will access your notices of assessment for you in a matter of hours if you need them quickly. There would typically be a fee for this type of service. Your mortgage broker may already have an account set up with a firm that can provide this service for you.